Search Results
Found 67 items.
Diagnosi e valutazione della personalit alleanza terapeutica e scambio clinico nella ricerca in psicoterapia
Published: February 21, 20112261PDF: 5519 -
A proposal for a brief-term post-adoption intervention in the attachment-perspective: a single case study with a late-adopted child and his adoptive mother
Published: April 18, 20162485PDF: 1368HTML: 627 -
Childhood emotional maltreatment and internalizing problems in a non-clinical sample of adolescents: a moderated-mediation model of insecure anxious attachment style and gender
Published: June 24, 20241819PDF: 399HTML: 24 -
Attachment orientations and emotion regulation: new insights from the study of interpersonal emotion regulation strategies
Published: December 31, 20231315PDF: 578HTML: 58 -
How secure is the secure base? Romantic attachment, emotion regulation, and psychotherapists’ role as secure base figures
Published: April 22, 2024693PDF: 447HTML: 10 -
Attachment styles, mental health, and trauma during the first wave of COVID-19 pandemic in an Italian adult population
Published: December 31, 2023409PDF: 266HTML: 17 -
Depression and attachment: how do personality styles and social support influence this relation?
Published: April 13, 20175280PDF: 1589HTML: 10681 -
Attachment insecurity predicts outcomes in an ACT-CBT group therapy for adults in a physical rehabilitation centre
Published: September 1, 20223428PDF: 445Appendix: 130HTML: 34 -
Advancement in the child attachment interview and the child and adolescent reflective functioning scale using a PDM-2 framework: case reports
Published: March 4, 20223197PDF: 695HTML: 25 -
Assessing therapist and clinician competency in parent-infant psychotherapy: The REARING coding system (RCS) for the group attachment based intervention (GABI)
Published: March 1, 20222388PDF: 595HTML: 28 -
Cooperation within the therapeutic relationship improves metacognitive functioning: preliminary findings
Published: November 8, 20231197PDF: 473HTML: 68 -
La ricerca in psicoterapia: il contributo del Gruppo di lavoro della Cattedra di Psicologia Dinamica (base) della Seconda Universitdi Napoli
Published: February 23, 20112687PDF: 1682 -
Working Memory abilities, attachment relationships and learning process in children of primary school age: an empirical research
Published: December 26, 20141631PDF: 1072fbaccino, AWMA-APPRENDIMENTO-ATTACCAMENTO 2012 SPR DEL VILLANO.doc: 0Working Memory abilities, the attachment relationships and the learning process in school age: an empirical research: 0 -
Parental criticism, self-criticism and their relation to depressive mood: an exploratory study among a non-clinical population
Published: April 18, 20164204PDF: 1437HTML: 2668 -
Qualitative research in adolescent psychotherapy: attachment and reflective functioning as psychotherapy’s outcomes of an adolescent with anorexia nervosa
Published: December 23, 20151942PDF: 1599 -
Exploring maternal reflective functioning as a predictor of mother-child dyadic behaviour over time in a clinical context
Published: April 27, 20221747PDF: 541HTML: 31 -
Problemi metodologici nello studio del processo psicoterapico e nella valutazione dell'attaccamento e del rischio psicopatologico in adolescenza
Published: February 23, 20111204PDF: 799 -
Beyond self-criticism and dependency: structural functioning of depressive patients and its treatment
Published: April 19, 20171958PDF: 1010HTML: 419 -
Saving a seat at the table for community members: co-creating an attachment-based intervention for low-income Latinx parent-youth dyads using a promotor/a model
Published: February 4, 20223205PDF: 610Appendix: 203HTML: 23 -
“Trust me, do not trust anyone”: how epistemic mistrust and credulity are associated with conspiracy mentality
Published: December 28, 20231669PDF: 624HTML: 123 -
Group climate, cohesion and curative climate. A study on the common factors in group process and their relation with members attachment dimensions
Published: March 11, 20154805PDF: 4227 -
The contributions of Sidney J. Blatt: a personal and intellectual biography
Published: April 13, 20171912PDF: 674HTML: 1987 -
Validation and psychometric properties of the Italian version of the Power Behavioural System Scale
Published: February 3, 20231508PDF: 423Appendix: 127HTML: 11 -
The Lausanne Trilogue Play within the outcome evaluation in infant mental health: a preliminary report
Published: April 18, 20162843PDF: 1189HTML: 1319 -
Clinical Efficacy and Therapeutic Alliance in a Time-Limited Group Therapy for Young Adults
Published: December 26, 20141616PDF: 1535 -
Measuring Attachment and Reflective Functioning in Early Adolescence:An Introduction to the Friends and Family Interview
Published: February 17, 20132941PDF: 1981 -
Reflective functioning and personal recovery process of users with borderline personality disorder on Instagram: an explorative study using computerized and thematic analysis
Published: January 18, 20211499PDF: 640HTML: 23 -
Group dynamic-relational therapy for perfectionism
Published: September 1, 20223153PDF: 663HTML: 38 -
Epistemic trust: a comprehensive review of empirical insights and implications for developmental psychopathology
Published: December 20, 20235581PDF: 974Supplementary Material: 103HTML: 140 -
Suicidality and self-compassion in patients with major depressive disorder: the mediating role of the avoidant attachment type
Published: December 16, 202454PDF: 18SUPPLEMENTARY: 3 -
More than one way home - Student raters' impressions of interventions and group processes in mentalisation based group psychotherapy and group analytic psychotherapy
Published: December 29, 20224273PDF: 322HTML: 16 -
A thematic analysis of therapists' perspectives on therapeutic alliance rupture moments
Published: October 19, 20163361PDF: 12956HTML: 1390 -
Assessing personality change with Blatt's anaclitic and introjective configurations and Shedler-Westen Assessment Procedure profiles: two case studies in psychodynamic treatment
Published: April 19, 20172021PDF: 824HTML: 815 -
A proposed conceptualization of therapeutic competence: the three level model
Published: April 12, 20182633PDF: 1420HTML: 1048 -
Problematic internet use in emerging adulthood to escape from maternal helicopter parenting: defensive functioning as a mediating mechanism
Published: November 8, 20231251PDF: 480HTML: 73 -
The contribution of Sidney Blatt's two-polarities model to the Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual
Published: April 13, 20173356PDF: 1286HTML: 956 -
Psychological impairment in inflammatory bowel diseases: the key role of coping and defense mechanisms
Published: December 31, 2023614PDF: 341HTML: 12 -
Crying in psychotherapy: an exploratory mixed-methods study on forms of emotional crying and associated therapeutic interventions
Published: April 17, 2024823PDF: 435HTML: 10 -
Characteristics of effective online interventions: implications for adolescents with personality disorder during a global pandemic
Published: January 20, 20218471PDF: 905HTML: 24 -
Psychodiagnostic Chart-Child (PDC-C): a valid and clinically sensitive diagnostic tool for patient-tailored intervention planning
Published: March 1, 20223592PDF: 848HTML: 23 -
Shaping psychotherapy trainees’ potential: insights from training program directors
Published: August 27, 20241414PDF: 286HTML: 27 -
Identifying predictors associated with the severity of eating concerns in females with eating disorders
Published: April 13, 20172221PDF: 1060HTML: 1406 -
Therapists’ defense use impacts their patients’ defensive functioning: a systematic case study
Published: August 23, 2024809PDF: 235HTML: 26 -
Antisocial personality disorder in group therapy, kindling pro-sociality and mentalizing
Published: November 7, 20223832PDF: 966HTML: 53 -
Personal therapeutic approach in Gestalt therapists working with clients suffering from medically unexplained psychosomatic symptoms
Published: December 20, 20215182PDF: 1271Appendix: 95HTML: 56 -
The effectiveness of short-term dynamic/interpersonal group therapy on perfectionism; assessment of anxiety, depression and interpersonal problems
Published: December 29, 20221953PDF: 714HTML: 33 -
A systematic review on the role of therapist characteristics in the treatment of eating disorders
Published: July 10, 20241193PDF: 363SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: 133HTML: 29 -
Analytical psychodrama with college students suffering from mental health problems: Preliminary outcomes
Published: October 27, 20171889PDF: 840HTML: 571 -
Assessing children’s defense mechanisms with the Defense Mechanisms Rating Scales Q-sort for Children
Published: December 21, 20212610PDF: 1087HTML: 545 -
Changes in the anaclitic-introjective personality configurations following psychoanalytic psychotherapy with young adults
Published: April 13, 20171777PDF: 799APPENDIX: 273HTML: 1863