Search Results
Found 69 items.
Italian validation of the Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation-10 (CORE-10): a short measure for routine outcome monitoring in clinical practice
1848PDF: 498Supplementary Material: 82HTML: 31 -
Transference interpretation and psychotherapy outcome: a systematic review of a no-consensus relationship
The assessment of therapist responsiveness in psychotherapy research: a systematic review
Defense mechanisms are associated with mental health symptoms across six countries
1153PDF: 407Supplementary Material: 72HTML: 214 -
Therapeutic interventions in intimate partner violence: an overview
17750PDF: 5911HTML: 51413 -
Alexithymia and emotional processing: a longitudinal mixed methods research
2295PDF: 1188HTML: 1066 -
Measuring health-related quality of life measures in children: lessons from a pilot study
1661PDF: 476HTML: 83 -
Attachment insecurity predicts outcomes in an ACT-CBT group therapy for adults in a physical rehabilitation centre
3464PDF: 456Appendix: 131HTML: 34 -
Interpersonal emotion regulation questionnaire: psychometric properties of the Italian version and associations with psychopathology
2559PDF: 1532Appendix: 425HTML: 405 -
Balancing clinical risk with countertransference management protects alliance
1793PDF: 1133HTML: 455 -
Personal Projects Analysis as an idiographic approach in psychotherapy: an exploratory study
1146PDF: 289HTML: 20 -
A brief cognitive-behavioral intervention for stress, anxiety and depressive symptoms in dental students
2483PDF: 1007HTML: 1853 -
Virtue, well-being, and mentalized affectivity
1343PDF: 523Supplementary Material: 89HTML: 45 -
Evaluating the efficacy of psychodynamic treatment on a single case of autism. A qualitative research
3942PDF: 1803HTML: 2409 -
An exploratory study on how attachment classifications manifest in group psychotherapy
2279PDF: 504HTML: 19 -
Identifying predictors associated with the severity of eating concerns in females with eating disorders
2231PDF: 1062HTML: 1406 -
Depression and attachment: how do personality styles and social support influence this relation?
5333PDF: 1599HTML: 10701 -
Perceived professional development of Chinese psychotherapy trainees: a pilot study
2552PDF: 651HTML: 141 -
Going through the lockdown: a longitudinal study on the psychological consequences of the coronavirus pandemic
3529PDF: 891SUPPLEMENTARY: 118HTML: 25 -
Special issue: Research in child and adolescent psychotherapy
909PDF: 387HTML: 21