Search Results
Found 124 items.
The contributions of Sidney J. Blatt: a personal and intellectual biography
2066PDF: 693HTML: 1994 -
Perfectionism and therapeutic alliance: a review of the clinical research
2794PDF: 1377HTML: 1110 -
A pilot study of the Italian adaptation of the Session Evaluation Questionnaire fourth version
1937PDF: 830HTML: 120 -
Epistemic trust: a comprehensive review of empirical insights and implications for developmental psychopathology
6048PDF: 1138Supplementary Material: 109HTML: 144 -
The clinical consequence of positive mental health in psychotherapy
1477PDF: 668HTML: 170 -
Psychotherapists’ experiences of telepsychotherapy during the COVID-19 pandemic in Argentina: impact on therapy setting, therapeutic relationship and burden
1762PDF: 472Appendices: 151HTML: 26 -
Effectiveness is the gold standard of clinical research
2115PDF: 1081HTML: 622 -
Special issue: Research in child and adolescent psychotherapy
996PDF: 391HTML: 21 -
Psychotherapy with two late adulthood children of the colonies
1177PDF: 590HTML: 225 -
The associations between interoceptive awareness, emotion regulation, acceptance, and well-being in patients receiving multicomponent treatment: a dynamic panel network model
2162PDF: 567Supplementary Material: 158HTML: 114 -
Psychotherapies for Anxiety and Depression: benefits and costs
2376PDF: 1380HTML: 273 -
Antisocial personality disorder in group therapy, kindling pro-sociality and mentalizing
4180PDF: 1040HTML: 85 -
Assessment of Autobiographical Memory Narratives in Psychotherapy with Borderline Personality Disorder: An exploratory study
1681PDF: 788Table 2: 0Table 1: 0Figure 1: 0Figure 2: 0Figure 3: 0Manuscript text with author identifying information: 0 -
The influence of pharmaceutical companies
2235PDF: 1084HTML: 1384 -
Measuring health-related quality of life measures in children: lessons from a pilot study
1782PDF: 490HTML: 87 -
Analysis of a dream series by the Dream Coding System developed by Ulrich Moser
4334PDF: 700HTML: 97 -
Facing the coronavirus pandemic era
2536PDF: 472HTML: 13 -
Introduction to the issue in honor of Sidney Blatt
1159PDF: 462HTML: 226 -
The contribution of Sidney Blatt's two-polarities model to the Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual
3532PDF: 1324HTML: 971 -
Working on dreams, from neuroscience to psychotherapy
5840PDF: 1320HTML: 114 -
Impairment in personality functioning predicts young adult suicidal ideation and suicide attempt above and beyond depressive symptoms
Therapeutic interventions in intimate partner violence: an overview
18688PDF: 6005HTML: 52508