Search Results
Found 183 items.
Suicidality and self-compassion in patients with major depressive disorder: the mediating role of the avoidant attachment type
Balancing clinical risk with countertransference management protects alliance
1823PDF: 1142HTML: 455 -
Group dynamic-relational therapy for perfectionism
3281PDF: 691HTML: 44 -
The contributions of Sidney J. Blatt: a personal and intellectual biography
2066PDF: 693HTML: 1994 -
Epistemic trust: a comprehensive review of empirical insights and implications for developmental psychopathology
6048PDF: 1138Supplementary Material: 109HTML: 144 -
Effectiveness is the gold standard of clinical research
2115PDF: 1081HTML: 622 -
Personal Projects Analysis as an idiographic approach in psychotherapy: an exploratory study
1221PDF: 297HTML: 22 -
The clinical consequence of positive mental health in psychotherapy
1477PDF: 668HTML: 170 -
A pilot study of the Italian adaptation of the Session Evaluation Questionnaire fourth version
1937PDF: 830HTML: 120 -
Analysis of a dream series by the Dream Coding System developed by Ulrich Moser
4334PDF: 700HTML: 97 -
Referential activity, dissociation, psychopathology and psychotherapy
1749PDF: 769HTML: 503 -
The associations between interoceptive awareness, emotion regulation, acceptance, and well-being in patients receiving multicomponent treatment: a dynamic panel network model
2162PDF: 567Supplementary Material: 158HTML: 114 -
Special issue: Research in child and adolescent psychotherapy
996PDF: 391HTML: 21 -
Psychotherapy with two late adulthood children of the colonies
1177PDF: 590HTML: 225 -
Sandor Ferenczi’s concept of the dialogue of unconsciouses: a clinical example
1185PDF: 282HTML: 50 -
Dreaming during the COVID-19 lockdown: a comparison of Italian adolescents and adults
4729PDF: 516HTML: 76 -
Personality characteristics, music-listening, and well-being: a systematic and scoping review
1611PDF: 577HTML: 189 -
Italian validation of the Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation-10 (CORE-10): a short measure for routine outcome monitoring in clinical practice
1953PDF: 521Supplementary Material: 82HTML: 33