Search Results
Found 236 items.
Sandor Ferenczi’s concept of the dialogue of unconsciouses: a clinical example
1187PDF: 282HTML: 50 -
Ruptures and repairs of group therapy alliance. An untold story in psychotherapy research
5000PDF: 2412HTML: 1042 -
844PDF: 799 -
Personal style of the therapist and personality dimensions in a sample of Argentinian therapists
2209PDF: 1141HTML: 47 -
Alexithymia and therapeutic alliance: a multiple case study comparing good and poor outcome cases
2031PDF: 1120HTML: 602 -
Case formulations in mentalization-based group therapy
2400PDF: 1351HTML: 514 -
Self-writing as a tool for change: the effectiveness of a psychotherapy using diary
1868PDF: 1231HTML: 143 -
Defense mechanisms in adolescents at high risk of developing psychosis: An empirical investigation
3239PDF: 1039HTML: 118 -
Ruptures, repairs, and reflections: contributions of Jeremy Safran
2229PDF: 1290HTML: 33 -
Jeremy Safran: a hero's journey
1318PDF: 908HTML: 61 -
Alliance challenges in the treatment of a narcissistic patient: the case of Alex
2215PDF: 1247HTML: 529 -
After more than sixty years we are still unclear whether LSD has a place in clinical psychiatry
1036PDF: 549HTML: 171 -
Linguistic features of the therapeutic alliance in the first session: a psychotherapy process study
2132PDF: 1400HTML: 124