Search Results
Found 162 items.
The catcher in the mind: validation of the brief-mentalized affectivity scale for adolescents in the Italian population
Published: December 31, 20231478PDF: 407HTML: 30 -
Attachment orientations and emotion regulation: new insights from the study of interpersonal emotion regulation strategies
Published: December 31, 20231319PDF: 578HTML: 58 -
Psychodiagnostic Chart-Child (PDC-C): a valid and clinically sensitive diagnostic tool for patient-tailored intervention planning
Published: March 1, 20223592PDF: 849HTML: 23 -
DreamSenseMemory - a Gestalt-based dream-work approach embracing all our senses
Published: August 24, 20217285PDF: 1615HTML: 143 -
Facing the coronavirus pandemic era
Published: January 14, 20212501PDF: 463HTML: 13 -
Introduction to the issue in honor of Sidney Blatt
Published: April 13, 20171087PDF: 452HTML: 226 -
Interaction structures in the psychodynamic therapy of a boy diagnosed with Asperger’s disorder: a single-case study
Published: December 23, 20151769PDF: 1375 -
Reliability and factorial validity of long and brief versions of the inventory of personality organization in a Latvian sample
Published: June 30, 20222033PDF: 880HTML: 148 -
Exploring maternal reflective functioning as a predictor of mother-child dyadic behaviour over time in a clinical context
Published: April 27, 20221747PDF: 541HTML: 31 -
Virtue, well-being, and mentalized affectivity
Published: December 31, 20231303PDF: 498Supplementary Material: 89HTML: 44 -
Analysis of a dream series by the Dream Coding System developed by Ulrich Moser
Published: August 24, 20214186PDF: 670HTML: 97 -
Subjective experience of diagnosis and treatment in two adolescents with first-episode schizophrenia
Published: April 18, 20162629PDF: 1080HTML: 573 -
Coping strategies and mental health: A web-based survey among the Italian population dealing with COVID-19
Published: July 1, 20222179PDF: 819HTML: 176 -
Between Myth and Cure: Group Experience in Narrative Medicine with Neurological Patients
Published: March 1, 20151112PDF: 622 -
Clinical Efficacy and Therapeutic Alliance in a Time-Limited Group Therapy for Young Adults
Published: December 26, 20141617PDF: 1537 -
Defense mechanisms are associated with mental health symptoms across six countries
Published: December 31, 20231084PDF: 395Supplementary Material: 72HTML: 181 -
Psychological interventions in the Italian national health system: appropriateness and accountability
Published: August 26, 2024570PDF: 147HTML: 26 -
Advancement in the child attachment interview and the child and adolescent reflective functioning scale using a PDM-2 framework: case reports
Published: March 4, 20223201PDF: 696HTML: 25 -
An overview of the Italian contribution to the international multisite SPRISTAD study on psychotherapy training
Published: December 19, 2019944PDF: 829HTML: 14 -
Exploring the impacts of COVID-19 related social distancing on loneliness, psychological needs and symptomatology
Published: January 14, 20213173PDF: 705HTML: 10 -
Problematic internet use in emerging adulthood to escape from maternal helicopter parenting: defensive functioning as a mediating mechanism
Published: November 8, 20231254PDF: 480HTML: 73 -
Validation and psychometric properties of the Italian version of the Power Behavioural System Scale
Published: February 3, 20231511PDF: 423Appendix: 127HTML: 11 -
Dreaming during COVID-19: the effects of a world trauma
Published: August 24, 20213465PDF: 876HTML: 86 -
Till the ocean do us part: Italian and American therapists representations of stepfamilies in treatment
Published: October 27, 20171054PDF: 547HTML: 381 -
“Trust me, do not trust anyone”: how epistemic mistrust and credulity are associated with conspiracy mentality
Published: December 28, 20231671PDF: 625HTML: 123 -
Monitoring the effects of therapeutic interventions in depression through self-assessments
Published: December 20, 20211598PDF: 465HTML: 34 -
Psychological impairment in inflammatory bowel diseases: the key role of coping and defense mechanisms
Published: December 31, 2023614PDF: 341HTML: 12 -
The interplay of mentalization and epistemic trust: a protective mechanism against emotional dysregulation in adolescent internalizing symptoms
Published: December 31, 20232011PDF: 563HTML: 41 -
Depression and attachment: how do personality styles and social support influence this relation?
Published: April 13, 20175293PDF: 1589HTML: 10681 -
Ruptures and repairs of group therapy alliance. An untold story in psychotherapy research
Published: April 19, 20194233PDF: 2318HTML: 987 -
Personality characteristics, music-listening, and well-being: a systematic and scoping review
Published: March 25, 20241353PDF: 513HTML: 133 -
Different epistemic stances for different traumatic experiences: implications for mentalization
Published: December 20, 20231162PDF: 539Supplementary Material: 90HTML: 50 -
The relationship between epistemic stance, mentalizing, paranoid distress and conspiracy mentality: an empirical investigation
Published: December 28, 20231287PDF: 364HTML: 50 -
Case formulations in mentalization-based group therapy
Published: December 18, 20182276PDF: 1304HTML: 510 -
Evaluation of a dialectical behavior therapy-informed partial hospital program: outcome data and exploratory analyses
Published: November 7, 20161837PDF: 880HTML: 828 -
Continuity and discontinuity between psychopathology of childhood and adulthood: a review on retrospective and prospective studies
Published: July 6, 20172361PDF: 1169HTML: 2048 -
Identifying predictors associated with the severity of eating concerns in females with eating disorders
Published: April 13, 20172221PDF: 1060HTML: 1406 -
Dreaming during the COVID-19 lockdown: a comparison of Italian adolescents and adults
Published: August 12, 20214639PDF: 510HTML: 76 -
The forward edge transference within self-psychology and the activation of inborn capacity through interpretation and internalization
Published: December 20, 20212803PDF: 600HTML: 80 -
Psychological outcomes after hospitalization for COVID-19: data from a multidisciplinary follow-up screening program for recovered patients
Published: January 14, 20214727PDF: 1010HTML: 31 -
Childhood emotional maltreatment and internalizing problems in a non-clinical sample of adolescents: a moderated-mediation model of insecure anxious attachment style and gender
Published: June 24, 20241825PDF: 401HTML: 24 -
How anxious did you feel during lockdown? The roles resilience, living environment, and gender play on the level of anxiety state during pandemic isolation
Published: January 14, 20214625PDF: 1182HTML: 21 -
Family dynamics. An exploration of parental sensitivity and depressive symptoms among mothers and fathers of toddlers
Published: December 20, 20212504PDF: 542HTML: 40 -
Nightmares and bad dreams among individuals with musculoskeletal pain: a link to vitamin D and calcium
Published: August 24, 20216892PDF: 692HTML: 79 -
Evaluating the efficacy of psychodynamic treatment on a single case of autism. A qualitative research
Published: April 18, 20163920PDF: 1788HTML: 2386 -
Mental footnotes: knowledge constructivism from logical thinking to personal beliefs and therapy
Published: November 7, 20161605PDF: 829HTML: 360 -
Dreaming during lockdown: a quali-quantitative analysis of the Italian population dreams during the first COVID-19 pandemic wave
Published: August 24, 20213276PDF: 769HTML: 93 -
Age differences in the relationship between threatening and coping mechanisms and preventive behaviors in the time of COVID-19 in the United States: Protection Motivation Theory
Published: January 14, 20215777PDF: 1003HTML: 29 -
Chronic suicidal ideations: a risk or a protection
Published: June 19, 20241303PDF: 288 -
Published: December 29, 20221298PDF: 214