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Found 51 items.
The Italian version of the Depressive Experiences Questionnaire: psychometric properties and validation in students, community, and clinical groups
2019PDF: 1785APPENDIX: 304HTML: 419 -
Depression and attachment: how do personality styles and social support influence this relation?
5391PDF: 1614HTML: 10724 -
Motivations to become psychotherapists: beyond the concept of the wounded healer
3553PDF: 1820HTML: 73 -
The contributions of Sidney J. Blatt: a personal and intellectual biography
1946PDF: 681HTML: 1992 -
Defense mechanisms are associated with mental health symptoms across six countries
1198PDF: 429Supplementary Material: 73HTML: 230 -
Development and preliminary validation of the Clinician Affective REsponse (CARE) scale
Dreaming during COVID-19: the effects of a world trauma
3504PDF: 887HTML: 88 -
Attachment insecurity predicts outcomes in an ACT-CBT group therapy for adults in a physical rehabilitation centre
3501PDF: 466Appendix: 131HTML: 35 -
The contribution of Sidney Blatt's two-polarities model to the Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual
3443PDF: 1308HTML: 960 -
Dreaming during the COVID-19 lockdown: a comparison of Italian adolescents and adults
4664PDF: 512HTML: 76 -
Going through the lockdown: a longitudinal study on the psychological consequences of the coronavirus pandemic
3571PDF: 895SUPPLEMENTARY: 118HTML: 25 -
Perfectionism and therapeutic alliance: a review of the clinical research
2694PDF: 1364HTML: 1110 -
Validation and psychometric properties of the Italian version of the Power Behavioural System Scale
1537PDF: 442Appendix: 130HTML: 11 -
Measuring health-related quality of life measures in children: lessons from a pilot study
1679PDF: 481HTML: 86 -
Introduction to the issue in honor of Sidney Blatt
1103PDF: 456HTML: 226 -
Personality characteristics, music-listening, and well-being: a systematic and scoping review
1441PDF: 535HTML: 165 -
Changes in the anaclitic-introjective personality configurations following psychoanalytic psychotherapy with young adults
1832PDF: 805APPENDIX: 273HTML: 1879 -
Transference interpretation and psychotherapy outcome: a systematic review of a no-consensus relationship
The effect of positive psychotherapy in test anxiety among Zahedan students with hemophilia
1729PDF: 994HTML: 223 -
Identifying predictors associated with the severity of eating concerns in females with eating disorders
2241PDF: 1067HTML: 1407