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Diedrichs, Anders, Department of Psychology, Stockholm University
Dimaggio, Giancarlo, Terzo Centro di Psicoterapia Cognitiva, Roma – Scuola di Psicoterapia Cognitiva (SPC)
Dimaggio, Giancarlo, Centro di Terapia Metacognitiva Interpersonale, Rome
Dolev, Tohar, Department of Psychology, University of Haifa, Haifa
Doležal, Petr, Centre for Psychotherapy Research, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University, Brno
Donini, Massimo, Operative Unit of Dermatology, Ulss 3 Serenissima, Venezia
Doulgeris, Konstantinos, Department of Psychology, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Athens
Dourdouma, Anna, Sigmund Freud University Vienna, Department of Psychotherapy Science
Driessen, Ellen, VU University Amsterdam
Duarte, Javiera, Center of Studies in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, Universidad Diego Portales (CEPPS-UDP) and Instituto Milenio para la Investigación en Depresión y Personalidad (MIDAP)
Duarte, Javiera, Psychology Faculty, Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago Centro, Santiago
Duero, Dante Gabriel, Department of Psychology, National University of Córdoba, Córdoba
Duran Ferro, Camilo, University of Los Andes
Dussert, Denise, Department of Psychology, University of Chile, Santiago
d’Arminio Monforte, Antonella , Clinic of Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine, Department of Health Sciences, University of Milan, ASST Santi Paolo e Carlo, Milan


Edginton, Elisabeth, Wellbeing Support Services, University of Warwick
Editors, The, Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR)
Engelsbel, Fabiana, GGZ Noord-Holland-Noord, Heerhugowaard
Engström, Anna-Karin, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Uppsala
Ensink, Karin, Department of Psychology, Laval University, Quebec
Escobar, Marta, School of Psychology, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, Santiago
Espeleta, Macarena, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Chile
Esposito, Giovanna, Department of Humanities, University of Naples Federico II
Esposito, Giovanna, Department of Humanities, University of Naples Federico II, Italy
Esposito, Rosy, Department of Human and Social Sciences, University of Bergamo, Bergamo
Eubanks, Catherine F., Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology, Yeshiva University, Bronx, NY
Evans, Chris , Department of Psychology, Cathedral Court, Vicar Lane, Sheffield
Evers, Oliver, Institute for Psychosocial Prevention, Heidelberg University Hospital, Heidelberg; Department of Psychology, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg


Facchin, Federica
Faccio, Elena, Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Ap-plied Psychology, University of Padua
Faccio, Elena, Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Applied Psychology, University of Padua, Padua
Faccio, Elena, Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Applied Psychology, University of Padua
Falak, Hrvoje, Department of Cardiology, Dubrava University Clinical Hospital, Zagreb
Falgares, Giorgio, Department of Psychological, Pedagogical and Educational Sciences, University of Palermo
Falgares, Giorgio, Department of Psychology, Educational Science and Human Movement, University of Palermo
Falkenström, Fredrik, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning, Linköping University
Fanti, Erika, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan
Fantini, Fiorella, University of Rome, "Sapienza", Ph.D. Student, Department of Dynamic and Clinical Psychology
Farina, Benedetto, Department of Human Sciences, European University of Rome, Rome
Farina, Benedetto, Experimental and Applied Psychology Laboratory, Department of Human Sciences, European University of Rome
Fassio, Omar
Faustino, Bruno, Department of Cognitive, Behavioral and Integrative Psychotherapy, Faculty of Psychology, University of Lisbon
Faustino, Bruno, Faculty of Psychology of the University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal; Department of Cognitive, Behavioral and Integrative Psychotherapy, Faculty of Psychology, University of Lisbon, Lisbon
Faustino, Bruno, Faculty of Psychology of the University of Lisbon; Department of Cognitive, Behavioral and Integrative Psychotherapy, Faculty of Psychology, University of Lisbon, Lisbon
Fava, Emilio
Fava, Emilio, Catholic University of Milan
Favaretto, Ettore
Favaro, Angela, Neurosciences Department, University of Padua; Neuroscience Center, University of Padua; Padua University Hospital, Psychiatry Unit, Padua
Favaro, Angela, Neurosciences Department, University of Padua; Padua Neuroscience Center, University of Padua; Padua University Hospital, Psychiatry Unit, Padua
Fernandez, Olga María, Millennium Institute for Research in Depression and Personality, University of Chile, Santiago

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