From turn-by-turn to larger chunks of talk: An exploratory study in psychotherapeutic micro-processes using conversation analysis
Published: October 27, 20171867PDF: 918HTML: 442 -
Balancing clinical risk with countertransference management protects alliance
Published: October 27, 20171790PDF: 1131HTML: 455 -
Till the ocean do us part: Italian and American therapists representations of stepfamilies in treatment
Published: October 27, 20171054PDF: 547HTML: 381 -
Analytical psychodrama with college students suffering from mental health problems: Preliminary outcomes
Published: October 27, 20171889PDF: 840HTML: 571
Case Reports
Psychotherapy with two late adulthood children of the colonies
Published: October 27, 20171100PDF: 587HTML: 224