District Functional Unit for Adolescents 2022: a pilot project in Italy to detect mental health strengths and difficulties among youth

Submitted: September 26, 2024
Accepted: January 22, 2025
Published: February 13, 2025
Abstract Views: 152
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The COVID-19 pandemic significantly impacted young people’s mental health, leading to increased distress and reduced life satisfaction worldwide. Among the worst-hit countries, Italy saw mental health services shift online, prioritizing urgent cases. Consequently, therapy for many individuals was interrupted, leaving young people largely neglected. In response, the Italian government allocated €8 million for youth mental health initiatives during the pandemic, and the Veneto region utilized €2 million to establish the District Functional Unit for Adolescents (UFDA) within its public Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services to provide specialized care for young people. The pilot phase was implemented between April and December 2022. This study reports preliminary findings on UFDA’s effectiveness in Padua’s Local Health Unit. The main objectives include describing patient characteristics and assessing the intervention outcomes. The study involved 255 youths, representing 71.43% of patients at UFDA (mean: 14.4; range: 12-24 years), and 170 parents. Self- and informant-report versions of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) were administered. A regional questionnaire was used to describe the patient profiles, and the intervention progress record documented anamnestic data and clinical progress of patients. The study revealed positive intervention outcomes despite the limited number of psychotherapy sessions. Results of the SDQ highlighted improvements in all difficulty scales after the intervention. The UFDA pilot project underscores the potential of a preventive, youth-centered approach to address young people’s mental health needs. The insights from this study can inform strategies to enhance youth mental health care in post-COVID-19 Italy.



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How to Cite

Göksal, R., Salcuni, S., Marino, G., Paduanello, M., & De Renoche, G. (2025). District Functional Unit for Adolescents 2022: a pilot project in Italy to detect mental health strengths and difficulties among youth. Research in Psychotherapy: Psychopathology, Process and Outcome. https://doi.org/10.4081/ripppo.2025.831

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