Contextualizing motherhood in persons with borderline personality vulnerabilities: cultural adaptation of the Parent Development Interview-Revised in an Indian context

Published: February 3, 2023
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An understanding of the complex intersection of borderline personality vulnerabilities and motherhood calls for an integrative and culture-sensitive lens in assessment and therapeutic interventions. The aim of the study was to explore constructions of motherhood in an Indian context to inform the adaptation of the Parent Development Interview-Revised (PDI-R) for use with mothers with borderline personality vulnerabilities. A stepwise framework was followed to obtain conceptual, semantic, and operational equivalences for the PDI-R adaptation. Interviews on contextualised aspects of motherhood were conducted with a sample of eight mental health practitioners specializing in borderline personality disorders, women’s mental health or child psychology, two cultural psychologists, one gynaecologist and one paediatrician. Six emergent themes were identified through thematic analysis, ‘The ideal mother and her search for identity,’ ‘Mothering the mother and the vicissitudes of care,’ ‘Not just mine - negotiating boundaries,’ ‘Mother knows best,’ ‘Food, feeding and embodied nurturing,’ and ‘Approaching motherhood in the clinic.’ The proposed adaptations to the PDI-R were further reviewed by two experts; a clinical psychologist and a psychiatrist specialised in perinatal services. This was followed by the process of operational equivalence through administration of PDI-R with two mothers with borderline personality vulnerabilities and two mothers from the community. The expert review and the administration informed the final adaptation of the PDI-R. A systematic process of adaptation can support the use of measures like the PDI-R in different cultures. A contextual understanding of constructions of motherhood and borderline personality has potential to support meaningful assessment and targeted parenting interventions.



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How to Cite

Mehrotra, K., Bhola, P., & Desai, G. (2023). Contextualizing motherhood in persons with borderline personality vulnerabilities: cultural adaptation of the <i>Parent Development Interview-Revised</i> in an Indian context. Research in Psychotherapy: Psychopathology, Process and Outcome, 26(1).

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